Friday, November 9, 2018

Here are some different types of software that you can use to keep your family tree information safe from having anyone else make changes.  I have included links to some reviews for the software listed.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Why I volunteer at the Layton Family History Center
In D&C 4:2 it says, :  “Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.”

As a Ward Family History Consultant, we are asked to volunteer at the Center for at least four hours a week.  This can seem kind of daunting…..and in some cases it may seem to be impossible.  I wasn't sure how I was going to be able to find the time to spend at the Family History Center when I was first called as a Ward Consultant.  Life doesn't seem to ever slow down.  I had lost my job in December of 2012.  I wondered what I would do with all my extra time!  No worries……my daughter left her abusive husband and came to live with me, with her three children age four and under.  My father had just passed away the previous year, so I took over care of my mother three times a week.  At the time I thought "Well….so much for free time!".  Then I was called as the Ward Family History Consultant!  When I learned that part of the calling included volunteering for a shift at the Center, I wasn't sure how that was going to work out. 

We are told to be “anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of [our] own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness.” D&C 58:27. 
I quickly found out that making the sacrifice to volunteer at the Family History Center wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be.  Our family has received many, many blessings from this service.  Helping others find information about their ancestors not only helps our patrons, but helps me as well. 

I have been able to learn while teaching others. 

I have had some very spiritual experiences doing the Temple work for my own ancestors and have helped others do the same.

I have felt angels around me and my family, protecting and helping us as I have done this great work.

So, if you haven't had the wonderful experience of being a volunteer at the Family History Center, please come give it a try! 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

How Can I Get My Ward Excited and Involved?

Here are just a few ideas:

- Introduce them to some of the opportunities offered at the Family History Center.  These could include the following:
     Beginning and Intermediate classes to learn more about Family Search, and Basic research.

If possible, teach a Sunday School Family History Class, under the direction of your Bishop.

Bring groups to the Family History Center for hands on help and guidance as they learn to find names to take to the Temple, Scan pictures and learn how to add documents and pictures to Family Search.  These groups could include, Scouts, Relief  Society, family and other types of groups.

Teach them how to give an Oral History interview and what tools 
    they can use to accomplish this. 

Teach them how to Index and explain how indexed records help to progress the work.

Help them learn how to get to know their Ancestors and why that is so  important.

There are many things you, as the Ward Consultant can do, to help get them excited about their heritage!  Please remember, that we are each different, we learn differently and sometimes it takes a lot of time and patience to help teach something new.
Remember the five tips listed on the Family History Consultant webpage - .

1. Help them have a positive experience
2. Teach people, not lessons
3. Help them to act in faith
4. Help them to progress
5. Remember that this is spiritual work!

And don't forget, that you have help and support at the Layton Family History Center. You can always contact me or come to the Center at any time and get help with things that you may need more knowledge about before you can teach others. Don't hesitate to ask, we are here to help!